ULI San Francisco: UrbanPlan Volunteer Training


2024-02-15T14:00:00 - 2024-02-15T17:00:00

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    SPUR Will open in a new window 654 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94105 UNITED STATES
    Join us on February 15th from 2-5pm at SPUR to learn how UrbanPlan supports the next generation of diverse real estate leaders. This interactive training will prepare you to become an UrbanPlan volunteer at a future workshop for public officials or students. This is a great way to get to know other ULI members, explore giving back and volunteering yourself, and get a taste of the concepts covered in an UrbanPlan workshop, all over drinks and light snacks. 

    UrbanPlan is a realistic, engaging exercise in which participants—high school and university students, or public officials—learn the fundamental forces that affect development in our communities. Participants compete to redevelop the fictional neighborhood of Elmwood, and in the process become empowered to engage effectively in land use decisions with their communities. As ULI member volunteers, you will help the students consider their choices, understand the trade-offs, and learn about different careers in the real estate industry. Read these testimonials to better understand the impact that this program has on students and volunteers. 

    In advance of this session, we ask that you complete this one-hour on-demand training, and then join your fellow members in-person on February 15th to test out your facilitation skills, play with some LEGOs, and ask any questions. What's better than your ULI friends and LEGOs?
    Many thanks to our workshop facilitators, Jen Hembree and Jane Lin

    Once you are trained in UrbanPlan, ULI SF offers a variety of volunteering opportunities. Currently, ULI SF serves the following schools:

    East Bay:
    Berkeley High School
    Piedmont High School

    San Francisco/Marin:
    Lowell High School
    Tamalpais High School

    South Bay:
    East Side College Prep
    Gunn High School
    Los Altos High School
    Palo Alto High School
    San Jose State University

    ULI SF has also provided UrbanPlan for Communities (UP4C) workshops to the following organizations:
    Silicon Valley Economic Development Alliance (SVEDA)
    Downtown Oakland Association
    Leadership Sunnyvale
    Jack London Business Improvement District
    City of San Jose
    City of Palo Alto
    City of Santa Cruz
    City of Fremont

    Proceeds from this event will support UrbanPlan classroom sessions across the Bay Area. If cost is an issue, please complete this form for reduced registration.

    SPUR 654 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94105 UNITED STATES

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